30 recommendations for a Creative Europe

Agenda  2030

March, 25th 2021
UK/PT  17:00
FR/ES 18:00

Working with creative methods during 44 months has shown us the importance of implementing creativity at different levels of decision making, as well as revealing the possibilities of change for people and the impacts on territories. 
We are keen to and accept the responsibility to accompany young people in their design of  an official Agenda 2030: 30 recommendations for a Creative Europe. AYCH partners are setting the framework for young people to think, to share and to design collectively actionable and aspirational recommendations for a creative Europe. Partners are committed to bring this Agenda 2030 to the European Parliament in the name of European young people. 
The objective of this facilitated discussion is to bring together the work of Challenges 1-3, to focus on the top 3 prepositions of each of the challenges with an expert in the field & achieve a live signature of the declaration by partners.

Declaration of Brest 2021

This declaration was debated and agreed by Young People participating in the AYCH Youth Summit in March 2021. It represents the culmination of collective and intense thinking about social and ethical entrepreneurship, creative education and the future of  work in 2030. It was generated through Young People’s collaborative endeavours to identify 30 propositions for Agenda 2030 and was distilled over three challenge days. In itself, this declaration exemplifies the values and practice of the AYCH project.

Representatives from AYCH Partner organisations in France, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom are privileged to have signed this declaration along with the Young People who proposed it and those who support it. As signatories we commit to promulgating the propositions in this declaration and remembering the spirit in which they were conceived.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development.
Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development
Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.